Resposta da brincadeira

Aqui vão a solução da brincadeira de domingo! Marquei os nomes das músicas tanto em negrito quanto em itálico. No texto existem 30 nomes de canções dos Beatles escondidos. Alguém conseguiu encontrar todas??

Dear Prudence,

Oh, darling! I want you. I want to hold your hand and come together, flying across the universe, through strawberry fields forever. Because with a little help from my friends all you need is love. Girl, don´t let me down. It´s something like a revolution, it won´t be long till I am the walrus. Hey Jude, let it be, hold me tight while my guitar gently weeps. If I fell like a blackbird, I wouldn´t understand happiness is a warm gun. However, being for the benefit of Mr. Kite, why don´t we do it in the road? Oh, I´ve just seen a face in Blue Jay Way and everything´s helter skeiter. All my loving, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.


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